Hi, I'm Zekun Yang,
I am a highly motivated and results-oriented software engineer graduate looking to apply my knowledge and skills in a dynamic and challenging professional setting.

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YouTube Caption Query Website (WIP)
This project utilizes Golang, ReactJS, SQLite, and the YouTube API to build a search tool that allows users to find YouTube videos based on their captions. The captions have been pre-scraped and stored in a database, similar to the concept of Youglish.
Book Recommendation Web Application
This capstone project is a full-stack web application that mimics the functionality of Goodreads.com. The backend is built using Python (Django) and the frontend using React. The team used Jira as the Scrum project management tool and wrote end-to-end tests to simulate user behavior. To manage the development pipeline and deployment, the team used CI/CD on Gitlab to automatically containerize the web app into a Docker image.
Wikipedia Analytic Web App
This project is a full-stack web application that utilizes the Model-View-Controller architecture. It's built with Node.js (Express) and MongoDB. It integrates with the Wikipedia API and updates the app's database through scheduled tasks. The application is deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Natural Language Processing Name-Entity Recognition Model
Named-entity recognition model using Bert. Ranked 25/120 teams in the course COMP5046.